Forgiveness Books
Paul Ferrini reconnects us to the Spirit Within,
to that place where even our deepest wounds can be healed.
Joan Borysenko
ISBN 1-879159-10-4 $10.95
ISBN # 978-1-879159-06-6 $14.95
ISBN 1-879159-14-7 $12.00
The Twelve Steps of Forgiveness
This book gives us a step-by-step process for moving through our fears, projections, judgments, and guilt so that we can take responsibility for creating the life we want. With great gentleness, we learn to embrace our lessons and to find equality with others.
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Click here to read an excerpt from this book
The Wounded Child’s Journey into Love’s Embrace
This book explores a healing process in which we confront our deep-seated guilt and fear, bringing love and forgiveness to the wounded child within. By surrendering our judgments of self and others, we overcome feelings of separation and dismantle co- dependent patterns that restrict our self-expression and ability to give and receive love.
Click here to purchase the book for $14.95
Click here to purchase the Ebook for $10.00
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Wisdom of the Self
This book explores our authentic experience and our journey to wholeness. The Self is not a bundle of actions or conditions, but an unconditional state of being. "To know the Self is to allow everything, to embrace the totality of who we are, all that we think and feel, all of our fear, all of our love."
229 pagesISBN 1-879159-14-7 $12.00
Click here to order the book for $12.00Click here to read an excerpt from this book
ISBN 1-879159-03-1 $12.00
The Bridge to Reality
A Heart-Centered Approach to A Course in Miracles and the Process of Inner Healing.
Sharing his experiences of spiritual awakening, Paul emphasizes self-acceptance and forgiveness as cornerstones of spiritual practice. Presented with beautiful photos, this book conveys the essence of The Course as it is lived in daily life.
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ISBN 1-879159-18-X $10.95
ISBN 1-879159-01-5 $10.00
The Ecstatic Moment:
A Practical Manual for Opening Your Heart and Staying in It
A simple guide that helps us take appropriate responsibility for our experience and establish healthy boundaries with others. It contains many helpful exercises and meditations that enable us to stay centered, clear and open in heart and mind.
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Click here to read an excerpt from this book
From Ego to Self
108 illustrated affirmations designed to offer you a new way of viewing conflict situations so that you can dissolve negative thinking and bring more energy, faith and optimism into your life.
These are not typical affirmations, but statements of truth to which we can attune when necessary to bring our consciousness back into harmony with Divine Will. Click here
to order the book for $10.00
Sample Affirmations
Conflicts between us dissolve when I recognize my equality with you.
I can't see who you are until I surrender my expectations of you.
Only because we believe we are separate do our needs seem to conflict.
Forgiveness Audio
ISBN 978-1-879159-13-6 $16.95
Healing the Wounded Child
Guided Meditations for Healing & Awakening
Pain is a bridge from woundedness to wholeness, a bridge each person must cross. Take the little child by the hand and lead her across the bridge of forgiveness. Lead her over the river of fear, to the place where she is vulnerable and trusting. Mommy or daddy were wounded and could not love her. Husband or wife were wounded and could not love her. Now there is only you. You are the bringer of love to the wounded child within. Only you can accept her and comfort her. Only you can lead her to safety.
Click here to order the CD for $16.95
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The Economy of Love
Selections on creativity, right livelihood and abundance from The Ecstatic Moment and other books
Click here to buy the CD for $16.95
Listen to audio excerpts from this book read by Paul Ferrini:
Separation from Our Source
The Horn of Plenty
The Economy of Love
What You are Not Responsible For
Inner Perfection
Self and Other
Circle of Healing
This gentle guided meditation opens the heart to love's presence and extends that love to all the beings in your experience. This tape is designed to help you experience energy in all of your chakras and to feel the ecstasy of God-communion. Click here to order
Forgiveness: Returning to the Original Blessing
A self healing tape that helps us accept and learn from the mistakes we have made in the past. By letting go of our judgments and ending our ego-based search for perfection, we can bring our darkness to the light, dissolving anger, guilt, and shame.
Click here to order
Four Christ Mind Talks are Available. Click on the links below to order.
Seek First the Kingdom $10.00
Honoring Self and Others $10.00
The Ecstatic Moment $10.00
Answering Our Own Call for Love $10.00