Offering Inspiration and Practical Tools for the Spiritual Journey
"Over 35 years of working with people as a teacher, retreat/workshop leader and spiritual mentor have taught me what is necessary to make a qualitative, lasting changing in a person's consciousness and experience."
Paul Ferrini is a modern day Kahlil Gibran— poet, mystic, visionary, teller of truth. Larry Dossey
Paul Ferrini’s books are the most important I have read. I study them like a Bible. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Paul Ferrini has written 50 books on Love, Healing and Forgiveness. His work has been translated into many languages and he is known throughout the world as a teacher of unconditional love.
His retreats, workshops, affinity group process, and virtual community have been life-changing, helping people heal their wounds, create successful relationships, and step into their power and purpose in life.
The View of the Mountains from our retreat center near Blairsville, Georgia
A rare opportunity to attend a Retreat
with Paul Ferrini
May 15-19, 2025
Blairsville, Georgia 30512
Paul Ferrini has been doing very few in-person retreats and this may be one of your last opportunities to attend a live event with Paul. This retreat with take place in the mountains of northern Georgia. We are blessed to have an incredible retreat center nestled in the mountains on 200 acres of pristine wilderness. Our venue is near Blairsville, which is about 2 hours north of Atlanta. This retreat is open to all participants in Paul’s Virtual Community and Spiritual Psychotherapy Training, as well as to others who have previously participated in virtual or in person retreats/workshops with Paul or read several of his books. If you are new to Paul’s work and want to attend, you will need to get permission from Paul. The Cost of Tuition for the Retreat is $550 if you register by February 15, 2025. After that, the cost will be $595 if space is still available. This does not include the cost of meals, lodging or travel. Space is limited and there is a good chance that lodging will be sold out in late January or early February, so please register as soon as possible to reserve your space.. Click here to see more.
Keys to the Kingdom Workshop with Ana Barrio begins December 18, 2024
On December, 18, 2024 Ana Barrio will begin present an Introduction to the 8 Keys to the Kingdom, core spiritual practices of our work. This virtual workshop continues on a bi-weekly basis in January,2025. Click here to see our community calendar. This workshop is included in your membership if you are an active bi-weekly member in our Virtual Community. To sign up for our community, click here. If you are not ready to join, you can still purchase this workshop on The Keys to the Kingdom for $160 as a stand alone option by clicking here..
Paul Ferrini’s New Book on Relationships
This lovely new book by Paul Ferrini is an in-depth exploration of our relationship with ourselves, our relationship with others, and our relationship with the divine. Paul shares important techniques for establishing a relationship with our inner child and healing our family of origin wounds. This leads us to an integration of the shadow
elements and restores harmony and wholeness in the psyche. To guide us in establishing equal, empowered relationship with others, Paul differentiates between romantic love which is conditional and temporary and Real Love which is eternal and unconditional. He explains simply and clearly how to set healthy boundaries in our relationships and how to understand and withdraw our projections. That enables us to stop shaming and blaming each other and learn to communicate honestly and compassionately. Finally, Paul shows us how to open our hearts and connect with our Core Self so that we can experience the spiritual energy and guidance that is available to us. This enables us to live spontaneously in the flow of life and discover our unique way of bringing love into the world. The price of the ebook is $15,00 Click here to order your copy of the ebook.. A printed version of this book with full color images will be available for $29.95 plus shipping and handling after June 1, 2024, Click here
to order the print version.
Announcing Spiritual Psychotherapy
a Cutting Edge Training Program
for Psychotherapists taught by Paul Ferrini
Next year’s Training starts in August 2025.
Applications for admission need to be submitted by June 15, 2025.
Spiritual Psychotherapy is a holistic approach to Psychological Healing and Integration. It addresses our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs and those of our clients. Unlike most therapies, Spiritual Psychotherapy begins and ends with our connection to our Source or Essence. It is through our connection with this Source that we experience love and rediscover our original innocence. Our connection to love heals on all levels. It restores balance and well-being in the psyche. It is the disruption in our connection to the Source of Love and our desire to please others to gain acceptance and approval that results in division in the psyche and initiates our patterns of self-betrayal. Read more
New Audio Releases on Audible
Those of you who enjoy listening to audio books will be delighted to know that we have three new audio books that are available through Audible. The Twelves Steps of Forgiveness, The Silence of the Heart and Miracle of Love are all on sale now. All recordings are narrated by Simran Singh whose sensitive voice and deep understanding of the material shine through.
New Events in our Community
Our focus in the Virtual Community continues on the 12 steps of the Healing Your Life Roadmap with presentations by Paul Ferrini, Waldemar Jercher and Scott Ferrell. In December, Ana Barrio will begin presenting the 8 Keys to the kingdom, core spiritual practices of our work. These teacher talks are included in your membership if you are an active bi-weekly member in our Virtual Community. To sign up for our community, click here. If you are not ready to join, you can still purchase Ana’s ten talks on The Keys to the Kingdom for $160 as a stand alone option by clicking here.. Throughout 2024-2025, Libor is organizing bi-weekly Affinity Groups with rotating facilitation by experienced community members. These groups are included if you are a weekly support member of our community. Click here to see our community calendar.
In addition, Paul Ferrini’s intensive Spiritual Psychotherapy Training program continues one weekend per month with a mid-month talk and Affinjty check-in. If you wish to be included in the next cycle of this training please contact us to be put on the waiting list.
Recently Completed Book, Audio and Video
Click here to read more about these products.
Other Recent Books
Harness the Creative Power of Your Nine Year Cycle
Now you can get your personalized Life Cycle Report indicating the opportunities and challenges of the current year of your life and then meet with Paul to explore your soul vibration and life path and understand how to use your cycle information to align with the universal energies that support your growth and empowerment.
Click here to learn more. Or you can do Paul's New Having the Time of Your Life Online Course and create your own report for just $39. Click here to learn more.
Daily Messages of Spiritual Awakening
Paul's new ebook contains daily messages for spiritual awakening, accompanied by wonderful photos. There are 365 inspirational messages, one for each day of
the year. You can even download the book to your phone so that daily wisdom is at your fingertips! Click here to read how you can get your book for free when you give a gift to a friend or family member and sign up to receive these messages in your inbox each day.
Pain is not a punishment. It is a wake-up call for our soul.
All of us feel various forms of physical or psychological pain. Some of this is unavoidable and has lessons to teach us. But some of our suffering is self-created. It arises from past wounds, false beliefs and patterns of self-betrayal that we can understand and heal. As we heal, we become more gentle and loving. We stop projecting our pain and attacking others. As we heal ourselves, the world around us begins to heal. Our shame is released. Our guilt is forgiven. Innocence is reborn, in your heart and mine. Read more about this important new book.
Healing Our Lives from the Inside Out
You are the bringer of love to your own experience. No one else can do that for you. Not Mommy or Daddy. Not husband or wife. You are the one who has to learn to bring love. Have no illusions. It takes courage to make the journey within, to look at our mommy and daddy wounds and to walk through the fear and the shame attached to them. It takes courage to see our patterns of self-betrayal that begin in childhood and continue into adulthood, influencing the choices we make in our work and relationships. Click here to read more about this ground-breaking work that has changed the lives of thousands of people.
Eight simple practices that can transform your life.
Wisdom does not come just from our Intellectual understanding. That understanding must be put into practice in our daily lives. Here are eight simple but profound spiritual practices that can transform your life. The beauty about these practices is that anyone can do them. The more you practice, the deeper you go, the more you shift into alignment with your core self and the more you see life transformed around you. Read more about this important book and the online course that features videos of Paul Ferrini teaching the Eight Keys.
Stay Connected
Sign up to receive Paul’s quarterly Newsletter
Click here to receive Paul’s Journey from Fear to Love weekly messages for the next 31 weeks.
Click here to sign up for Paul’s Daily Light for the Soul Messages. Click here to read more.
Click here to explore a wide variety of excerpts from Paul Ferrini's books, audios, and videos.
Below you will find some video clips of Paul Ferrini teaching at his retreats
Paul Ferrini's Connecting to Love Meditation
Paul Ferrini on "The Dark Night of the Soul"