Book Excerpt
ISBN 1-879159-02-3 $7.50
The Body of Truth
A crystal clear introduction to the universal teachings of love and forgiveness.
This book traces all forms of suffering to negative attitudes and false beliefs,
which we have the ability to transform.
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The Body of Truth
The Body of Truth is one indivisible body.
All beings belong to it and receive their nourishment from it.
All falsehood and deception is a refusal to see and accept the Body of Truth.
You cannot accept the Body of Truth for yourself and deny another's right to it,
nor can you deny your right and accept someone else’s.
The Body of Truth is one indivisible body.
All beings belong to it and receive their nourishment from it.
All falsehood and deception is a refusal to see and accept the Body of Truth.
You cannot accept the Body of Truth for yourself and deny another's right to it,
nor can you deny your right and accept someone else’s.
My thoughts and actions create my world.
If there is pain and dissatisfaction in my life,
it is because my thoughts and actions
are not in accord with the Body of Truth.
When I move back into relationship with truth,
pain and dissatisfaction disappear.