ISBN 978-1-879159-63-1 $48.00 5 CD Set
The Seeds of Transformation
5 Talks from the Seeds of Transformation Conference at Bard College
The Path to Spiritual Mastery: Paul Ferrini’s Keynote Address
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Four Additional Talks are included (See below)
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Healing Without Fixing
Paul Talks about the Divine Mother energy and discusses how to create a safe space for ourselves and others. There is a guided meditation and an in-depth discussion of several Affinity Principles. Paul presents the rudiments of two spiritual practices that empower us to step into our life purpose.
The Wound and the Gift: Stepping into our Role as Healers
Paul discusses the process by which we get in touch with our deepest wounds and begin to heal them. He talks about the importance of building new Houses of Healing so that we can empower each other to heal. And he shows us how we can place our gifts in the service of our healing process, thereby stepping into our roles as healers.
An Overview of the Laws of Love
Paul provides an overview of the first five spiritual laws from his book The Laws of Love. He also discusses Spiritual Law number eight (healing) at length. This talk makes an important companion to the book and is essential for teachers in training and others seeking to master this material.
Experiencing the Divine Love Energy,
Paul talks about how we can connect with the Divine Love Energy and Practice the Spiritual Law of Equality. He leads a guided meditation that will help you connect with this Energy on a daily basis. This Workshop develops the themes that are presented in the Healing Without Fixing workshop.